Bank’s commitments

The bank ensures the protection of employees and clients against all forms of inequality and discrimination based on ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, or any other category.

Commitment to the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact

The bank conducts its business with high ethical standards and respect for society.

Contribution to social and economic development.

Bank metrics

16 branches across Kazakhstan













Bank clients


Aged 26 to 40


Aged 41 to 55


Aged 19 to 25


Aged 56 and older


Under 18 years old

S&P rating

B+ Stable

as of 13.12.2024

Partnership with international organizations and participation in global initiatives

On September 3, 2024, the bank joined the UN Global Compact, which comprises 10 principles covering human rights, labor, the environment, and anti-corruption.

These principles are integrated into the company’s strategy, culture, and daily operations, while also engaging in collaborative projects aimed at achieving the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Philanthropy and volunteering

Freedom Grants

In September 2024, 338 high school graduates from various regions of Kazakhstan were admitted to universities, made possible by scholarships funded by Freedom Bank.

The social initiative Freedom Grants, with an allocation of 1 billion KZT, covered 15 cities and 22 educational institutions, marking a significant step toward supporting education across the country.

Collaboration with Narxoz University

In September 2024, Freedom Bank signed a memorandum of cooperation with Narxoz University.

Joint projects aimed at developing digital skills and enhancing financial literacy among teachers and school students will make a significant contribution to advancing Kazakhstan's educational environment.

Guest lecture for ESIL University students

In 2023, ESIL University students visited Freedom Bank. A guest lecture titled "Banking Innovations" was held at the bank's branch for fourth-year students majoring in Finance.

Bank representatives introduced students to the unique features of Freedom Bank that distinguish it from other banks in Kazakhstan.

Internship program for students of Shoqan Ualikhanov private school

Each year, Freedom Bank organizes an educational internship program for 11th-grade students of the private school named after Shoqan Ualikhanov.

Interns are assigned to various departments within the bank's head office and its branch in Almaty.

During the internship, students go through all the steps typical for new bank employees, including safety and fire drills, training on banking confidentiality, contract processing, learning about the bank's history, and studying the Code of Corporate Ethics.

Wish Tree initiative

In December 2023, Freedom Bank hosted the charitable "Wish Tree" campaign, where employees delivered gifts to children from youth shelters.

Staff purchased a variety of items, including home appliances, school supplies, and sweets, which were delivered to the care homes for children with funds provided by the bank's management.

As part of the campaign, wish trees were set up in the office, decorated with envelopes containing the wishes of children from the "Nadezhda" and "Barakat" orphanages. Bank employees could select an envelope and fulfill a child's wish, spreading festive cheer to both themselves and the children.

Campaign in honor of the 20 millionth citizen of Kazakhstan

In honor of the birth of the 20 millionth citizen of Kazakhstan, the bank held a campaign during which gift sets were presented to one hundred newborns.

The gift boxes contained essential items such as hygiene products and informational brochures for parents. This initiative is aimed at supporting families with newborns by providing them with necessary items during the first days of the baby’s life.

Public Fund FUND GROW

The development of digital transformation, the implementation of new technologies in big data and artificial intelligence, as well as the promotion of an informational space for interaction, are key areas for fostering an innovative and technological development environment.

These initiatives help integrate advanced technological solutions into various sectors, improving process efficiency and creating new opportunities for growth and progress.

Sustainability documentation

The Bank reaffirms its commitment to sustainable development and the protection of human rights at all levels of its operations.

Human rights, diversity, and inclusion policy

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Supplier code of conduct for goods, services, and operations

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ESG survey

We invite you to answer a few questions about the bank—your responses will contribute to future ESG reporting.

Take the survey


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